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PENN YAN, NY— The Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital Auxiliary donated $8500.00 to Finger Lakes Health Foundation to support the purchase of a new digital X-Ray machine and cost of renovations needed to install the new machine at the hospital.

The Auxiliary raised funds through several events, including the annual “Remember and Honor Those Who Served” project, autumn mum sale, and “That Their Lights May Shine” remembrance tree ornament sale.  This year’s gift also included proceeds from a pancake breakfast sponsored by the Auxiliary and hosted by the Benton Volunteer Fire Department in honor of the hospital’s centennial.

“Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital Auxiliary has actively supported the hospital since its early days,” says Marilyn Smith, current Auxiliary chair. “As the hospital celebrated its 100th birthday in 2024, we were delighted to continue the tradition, and be able to continue to give back to a place that is so vital to the health and wellbeing of our community.”

“The Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital Auxilians demonstrate their dedication to the hospital, its patients and staff, year after year, and we are so grateful for their support,” says Kim Ilacqua, Finger Lakes Health’s Vice President of Community Services and Executive Director of the Finger Lakes Health Foundation.  

The new X-ray machine is currently being installed at the hospital, and is anticipated to be operational by mid-February.

The Soldiers and Sailors Auxiliary welcomes new members.  If interested, please contact Marilyn Smith at (315)536-2173 or Loree MacKerchar at (315)536-7379.

Pictured left to right are Auxilians Loree MacKerchar and Susan Eisenhart, Finger Lakes Health Foundation Executive Director Kim Ilacqua and Auxilians Katie Sheradin and Marilyn Smith.