GGH Exceeds State & National Averages for Value Based Purchasing
August 28, 2017Categories: 2017 News
Geneva General is among an elite, select group of facilities in the nation, which has performed well enough to maintain our current level of reimbursement during the most recent reporting period. This is the 6th time out of the 7 review periods conducted over the past several years whereby GGH has achieved exceptional results related to the federal government’s CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid) Value Based Purchasing Program, an assessment that compares our health system with national and state benchmarks on several key aspects of care delivery. Areas that are scored as part of Value Based Purchasing include: 1) Clinical Care; 2) Patient and Caregiver Centered Experience of Care/Care Coordination; 3) Safety; and 4) Efficiency and Cost Reduction. In essence, this is a system the federal government developed to assure that the taxpayer-funded Medicare and Medicaid programs are “paying for good performance and getting good value” for patients. As of July’s report, Geneva General Hospital scored 55.25 as compared to the state average of 34.86 and the national average of 37.43. Specifically CMS tracks and measures quality, safety and care indicators including mortality measures related to pneumonia, heart failure, and acute myocardial Infarction (heart attack), the management of care transitions, communication with nurses, doctors, and hospital staff, the effectiveness of discharge information and communication about medicines, the number of healthcare associated infections or complications and the costs of spending per Medicare beneficiary. Jose Acevedo, M.D., M.B.A., President and CEO of Finger Lakes Health says, “Never has there been a time when delivering exceptional healthcare outcomes efficiently and cost effectively is more important. Our community deserves nothing less. This is a team effort always. As ever, I am proud of our talented team of employees who work hard everyday to achieve these results for our patients. I also am grateful for the engagement and involvement of patients and families which is vital to achieve the best results during and post hospitalization.” |