New Vision Medical Careers Program Open House Showcases GGH Departments
March 13, 2018
Categories: 2018 News
In February, the New Vision Medical Careers Program put on an open house for their family members. The New Vision Program provides its 17 selected students the opportunity to shadow a variety of health care providers, cumulating around 150 clinical hours throughout the year. This year the students chose four of their favorite departments at Geneva General Hospital to highlight-the Emergency Department, Garnsey Outpatient Rehabilitation Center, the Operating Room and Dialysis.
The students’ families where split into groups and were brought around to the different departments where the students would describe their experiences and what made that area so memorable.
Positive feedback from guests included “Great to see the excitement from the students. They all seem to have a strong passion for learning and moving forward in the profession with a focus and direction,” said one parent. “I am so thankful that this program is available for my daughter and all interested students in the medical field. The students seemed so thrilled when they shared their experiences and showed so much passion. I wish this program continues to be available for years to come. My daughter loves it,” raved another parent.
The New Vision Medical Career Program is offered cooperatively for component school districts by Finger Lakes Health and the Finger Lakes Technical & Career Center. The program allows students to explore a full array of medical careers while gaining 150 hours of clinical experience and nine college credits. Applications for the 2019 class are due March 15.
Photo caption: Natalie Colon, Penn Yan Academy, is performing a blood pressure while Elisa Ganzon, Mynderse Academy, is in the background teaching a parent about the heart with Danielle Green, Honeoye Central, looking on.