Ways to Give

You can support Finger Lakes Health or its specific departments and facilities in a number of ways. Gifts of cash or stock can be designated to fund specific projects, programs, and equipment across the health system, or can be directed to a specific facility. In addition we encourage unrestricted gifts to be used for the area of greatest need. We also welcome planned or estate gifts.
Gifts of Cash
To make a cash contribution in any amount, you can give online with a credit card through our secure agreement with Paypal, or mail a check, payable to "Finger Lakes Health Foundation", to:
Finger Lakes Health Foundation
196 North Street
Geneva, New York 14456
If you wish your gift to be designated to a particular entity, department or project, please indicate your preference in writing, in the gift information section on line or note on check memo.
Gifts of Appreciated Securities (Stock)
Many of our donors are switching to stock donations to save on two types of taxes as they make an immediate impact for our patients, departments, and healthcare facilities. If you would like to make a donation of appreciated stock, please contact the Foundation office: 315-787-4050 for instructions.
Gifts of Real Estate
Please contact the Foundation office.
Planned and Estate Gifts
Finger Lakes Health and the community have benefitted from the generosity of individuals who have included us in their estate plans. There are also opportunities for you to leave a legacy to the health system while currently earning income for yourself. Planned and estate gift options include bequests, naming one of our hospitals as a beneficiary, pooled life income fund, charitable gift annuities, and charitable remainder trusts, and others.
Limited donations of goods or services are accepted if there is an immediate use for them within the health system. Our ability to accept in-kind gifts is impacted by current needs, regulatory requirements and supply standardization. For details regarding specific donation, please contact the Foundation office.
Give from your Donor-Advised Fund
A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to easily support your favorite charities, like Finger Lakes Health. A DAF is often administered by a financial services company or a community foundation.
To learn more about making a gift to Finger Lakes Health using a donor-advised fund, please contact Mary Sue Dehn at (315) 787-4074 or email Mary Sue Dehn.
If you would like to make a gift now through your DAF, simply click on the link below to find your fund and the system will prompt you through the process.
Please use our legal name and Federal Tax ID#:
Finger Lakes Health Foundation
196 North Street, Geneva, NY 14456 • (315) 787-4050